Powered by Palmetto Solar
Going solar is easy! Say goodbye to the constant rising energy cost. Start saving immediately, help the environment, and if needed, get a new roof... ALL with NO money out of pocket. Yes, NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET!
Advantages Of Going Solar:
Cost Certainty Contract: You can be locked into a guaranteed payment for the next 20 years. Our goal is to match or lower your current monthly electricity bill so that no new debt will be incurred in this transaction. Historically, national utility rates rise at a 4% increase annually. The long-term savings opportunity provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for homes that qualify.
Free Energy: Once your Cost Certainty Contract from Palmetto is completed, you'll own the solar panels free and clear and have the opportunity to save up to 100% on future utility bills.
Perfect Timing: The Federal government has shown its commitment to solar by offering HUGE fed tax incentives to any homeowner that converts to solar power.
Financing Available: There are several financing options to choose from. We also offer NO MONEY DOWN solutions for most customers.
Free Estimates: We offer free estimates with no obligation for roof roof replacement and solar packages. There are no required deposits by TaylorMade Solutions.
Solar Panel Installation Process
We will walk you through the entire process and help answer any questions regarding Solar Energy.
Initial consultation and assessment: We’ll schedule a no-obligation, free consultation to evaluate whether your home qualifies for solar. Our engineers carefully review your current electricity bill to decide how many panels will be needed to meet your energy consumption.
Multiple financing options: Financing is the key to making things affordable and maximizing potential savings. The federal government through tax incentives has made the decision to go solar simple. We will assist you in finding the right loan and a low affordable monthly payment
Prepare for the engineers: We’ll take measurements along with photos to allow our Engineering team to devise the perfect plan to maximize your efficiency.
Installation and support: We handle the entire project including engineering, permits, licensing, installation, and final inspection with your current utility provider.